A Longitudinal Study of the Efficacy of ITE Aerospace Avionics Students on the Airbus Competence Trainer Software (74531)

Session Information: Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Session Chair: Jia-Yi Chow

Wednesday, 27 March 2024 15:25
Session: Session 4
Room: Room 702
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

This paper aims to present students’ perceptions towards the use of the Airbus Competence Training (‘ACT for Academy’) software package for aviation modules in the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), Singapore. The Kolb’s Experiential Learning framework was used to assess their learning experiences. The research evaluated the four stages of the framework: Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, and Active Experimentation and assessed what impact the training software in conjunction with the Aerospace Avionics Program would have on their learning engagement.
The overall hypothesis: Engaging in learning/training with the 'ACT for Academy' will lead students to undergo a positive experiential learning across the four stages, ultimately resulting in enhanced learning outcomes and the development of new ideas or the modification of existing ones.
The study employed a standardized 5-point Likert scale survey instrument to evaluate and analyze the perceptions of 126 students enrolled in the Program.
The empirical findings suggest that activities derived from ‘ACT for Academy’ based on the Kolb’s framework are more likely to increase students’ interest and competency (mean = 4.0/5.0).
For example, students had the opportunity to encounter a holistic cycle of learning such as gaining practical experiences, evaluating their perceptions of what they have learned, forming new knowledge and considering avenues to apply this knowledge in other contexts.
The findings would allow ITE to explore new aviation training programs utilizing the state-of-the-art learning platform and promoting innovative pedagogies to prepare the next generation of learners on modern aircraft technology.

Andrew Tan, Institute of Technical Education, Singapore
William Choy, Institute of Technical Education, Singapore
Wing Yong Foo, Institute of Technical Education, Singapore
Kiah Ngian Chia, Institute of Technical Education, Singapore

About the Presenter(s)
Mr Kiah Ngian Chia is a School Teacher/Instructor at Institute of Technical Education in Singapore

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00