Motivation to Continue Higher Education: Turning LPDP Scholarship Awardees’ Views into Multi-Item Education Policy Recommendations (76439)
Session Chair: Jen-Chia Chang
Thursday, 28 March 2024 11:35
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 708
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Interest in continuing higher education in Indonesia is very low, only 6% of 275.36 million people, this has implications for Indonesia's low Human Development Index, as evidenced by the List of Countries report in 2022, Indonesia is still ranked 114th. As a solution, since 2012 the Government of Indonesia has carried out the mandate of the 1945 Constitution to allocate a budget of at least 20% percent of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget for education functions, the budget is managed by the Ministry of Finance as an endowment fund through the LPDP scholarship program to finance further studies in Masters programs and Doctoral programs at the best universities at home and abroad. During the period 2013-2022, the number of LPDP scholarship recipients has reached 35,536 students. About 55.7% of them studied at domestic universities, while 44.3% studied abroad. This article responds to and captures scholarship recipients' views on their motivations for pursuing higher education. Focusing on the psycho-social beliefs of scholarship recipients is important for research. There are not many previous research contributions related to scholarship recipients' psycho-social beliefs in continuing higher education, in this way it can enrich the decision-making process and future education policies. It is argued that by developing appropriate scales, these subjective views can be objectified and hence be useful to policy makers. Therefore, in this study, both inductive and deductive methods were used, various dimensions of motivational factors were examined, including 1) Social 2) Culture 3) Economic 4) Geographical 5) Academic Enthusiast.
Indri Islamiati, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Marzuki Marzuki, Gajdah Mada University, Indonesia
About the Presenter(s)
Ms. Indri Islamiati is a student of the Master of Public Administration at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia and is currently a research assistant professor at Gadjah Mada University
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