Globalizing the Strategic Communication Core Curriculum in the School of Professional Studies at Columbia University (76594)
Session Chair: Kevin Visconti
Wednesday, 27 March 2024 12:25
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 609
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
The Strategic Communication Master of Science Degree Program in the School of Professional Studies at Columbia University in the City of New York offers three paths of study which have the same seven core requirements: Strategic Communication Management, The Compelling Communicator, Digital Communication Strategy, The Authentic Leader, Digital Media & Analytics, Communication Research & Insights, and Capstone.
Based on student evaluations of teaching, post-program surveys, and direct feedback from students and alumni, the Strategic Communication curriculum has performed reasonably well. However, there is opportunity to further globalize the curriculum to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving profession (e.g., redeveloping core courses, considering distribution requirements, designing potential electives).
This study investigates the Strategic Communication core curriculum from a mixed methods approach: an online, quantitative survey of alumni and current students and in-person, qualitative focus groups with recent alumni. In order to interpret key findings to better understand the needs of students and the demands of industry, an analysis of the data is performed. Findings from the research indicate that with a more globalized curriculum the Strategic Communication Program at Columbia University could well achieve pole position in the domain of professional graduate education.
Kevin Visconti, Columbia University in the City of New York, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Kevin Visconti, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Strategic Communication and Associate Director of Curriculum in Strategic Communication, School of Professional Studies, Columbia University in the City of New York, USA
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