Accepted Presentations
One of the greatest strengths of IAFOR’s international conferences is their international and intercultural diversity.
As of January 5, 2025, ACP2025 has received over 500 submissions from over 55 countries and territories - including: Philippines, United States, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, and Singapore.
Accepted Presentations
as of January 5, 2025
Community Development
- Exploring Access to Mental Health Support Services for Asian American Communities: An Exploratory Case Study
- Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Filipino Emerging Adult Survivors of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children by Relatives as Perpetrators
- Family and Community Factors on Social Inclusion of Children with Intellectual Disability: A Study in South Jakarta, Indonesia
- Gambling Preferences Across Age Groups
- Organizational Contexts that Influence Social Capital Formation Among PTA Volunteers in a Philippine Public School
- Parentification of Sibling Caregivers to Children with Autism in the Philippines
- Toward a More Equitable Future: Innovations and Interventions to Advance Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in South Africa
General Psychology
- A Lifespan Perspective on Positive Affect Fluctuations on Purpose in Life: Findings from a Nine-Year Longitudinal Study
- Active or Passive? Exploring the Impact of Social Media Usage on Life Satisfaction Among Older Adults in Thailand
- An Experimental Study on the Use of BESR-2 Test to Diagnose Behavior and Emotion: A Model for Teenagers
- Application of the Best Interest of the Child Principle: Psychological Analysis on Marriage Dispensation in the Malang Religious Court
- Association Between Sensory Sensitivity and Feeding Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Balancing Careers and Motherhood: Exploring Working Females’ Pursuit of Success
- Cognitive Basis of Agency: The Effect of Motor Control and Temporal Predictability on Intentional Binding
- Comparing Emotional Responses Elicited from Observing Ostracism Across Active and Passive Cyberball Involvement
- Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Experiencing Positive Emotions: A Literature Review
- Cultural Code-Switching in Psychologist-Patient Relationship: Evidence from Impoverished Communities in South Africa
- Decolonial Approaches Needed in Psychological Praxis in Japan: A Perspective from Critical Theoretical Psychology
- Determinants of Social Credit System Acceptance: A Comparative Study of Warsaw and Singapore
- Effect of Perceived Market Abundance on Support of Social Inequality: The Mediation Role of Equal Opportunity Belief
- Examining Standardized Test Performance and Hypnotic Responsiveness Among College Students
- Exploring Negative Risk-Taking in Adolescents: Bridging Cultural Gaps with an Indian-Specific Scale
- Exploring Spatial Abilities in Pilots: Insights from Monkey Model Studies and Genetic Influences
- Facial Electromyography as a Biomarker for Happiness and Psychological Well-Being in Emotional Recall & Expression Tasks
- Filling the Gap: An Automated Behavioral Testing System for Swine to Advance Use of this Animal Model in Psychology
- Freedom, Freedom, Where are You? How Perceptions of Existential Freedom Shapes Moral Judgements of Artificially Intelligent Technology
- Gender Differences in the Ability to Recognize Basic Emotions in Masked Faces
- Gender Differences in the Impact of Realistic Optimism on Help-Seeking Behavior Among University Students in Japan
- Halal Food and Psychology: A Comprehensive Overview from a Malaysian Perspective
- Happiness and Childbirth Intentions in South Korea: Hedonic vs. Eudaimonic Perspectives
- Happiness as an End Goal: The Valuation of Happiness Among Top University Students
- Healing Core Wounds: Self-Meaning Based Therapy
- I’m Ready If You Are: Self-Esteem Moderates Couples’ Accuracy and Bias in Perceptions of Commitment Readiness
- Impact of Social Media Usage and Socioeconomic Status on Sexual Engagement and Moderating Role of Peer Influence Among Young Adults
- Individual and Environmental Factors Affecting Career Development of University Students in Japan and China
- Infertility Stigma, Perceived Stress and Gratitude Among Infertile Women
- Inmate Trauma and Stress Disorders: Findings from Keffi Custodial Centre, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
- Insomnia Awareness and Management in the Oncological Setting
- Is It Good for My Reputation to Help Women over Men? Impression Formation Based on Responses to a Moral Dilemma
- Meta-Analysis of the House-Money Effect and Windfall Income: A Systematic Review
- Musical Skills Develop Progressively with the Visual and Auditory Perception of Musical Notes
- Positive Anticipated Affective Reactions Increase Pro-environmental Behavior
- Psychological Capital and Well-Being of Student-Athletes in a University
- Psychological Characteristics of In-group Favoritism in Internet Altruistic Behavior Transmission
- Psychological Drivers of CSR Attitudes: Insights from Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory
- Revisiting Loftus and Palmer (1974): A Pre-Registered Replication and Re-Evaluation of a Classic Study on Memory Reconstruction
- Sad and Neurotic, Happy and Extraverted? Not Quite: Novel Insights into Real-Time Emotions and the Big Five
- Subtype of Monitors Who Have the Experience of Discontinuing Responses to Web Surveys
- Sweet Tongue on Sad Words: An Investigation of the Inhibition Effect of Sweetness on the Processing of Negative Words
- The Effect of Sense of Ibasho and Sense of Authenticity on Mental Health: Comparison of Workplace, SNS and Third Places
- The Effectiveness of Child Criminal Punishment on the Psychological Well-Being of Klitih Offenders in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
- The Effects of Navigation Aids on Wayfinding Performance and Attention
- The Ethical Utilization of AI in Clinical Psychology: A Systemic Review
- The Pathway from Maternal and Paternal Mindful Parenting to Adolescent Development: The Mediating Role of Social-Emotional Learning
- The Role of Mind-Wandering in Learning and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
- Transfer-effects from Personality Information to Inferences About Competence
- When Numbers Speak: The Role of Person and Thing Orientation in Altruistic Response
- Where Is Capitalism? Unmasking Its Hidden Role in Psychology
Industrial Organization and Organization Theory
- Authentic Leadership and Employee Performance: The Role of Motivation Within a South African Work Context
- Breaking the Regression Mold: Machine Learning’s Role in Uncovering Nonlinear Psychological Insights
- Building Employee Engagement Insights: Developing a Tailored Survey Instrument for Thai Higher Education
- Conceptualizing and Assessing Psychological Capital in the Chinese Workforce: Dimensionality and Psychometric Analysis
- Coping Strategies, Job Demands, and Well-Being in Malaysian Workplaces
- Effectiveness of Incorporating Mindfulness Programs to Improve Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Leadership for Corporate Executives: The TPC Case Study
- Effects of Music Tempo to Knowledge Workers’ Typing Speed and Accuracy
- Elevating Expertise: The Role of Lifelong Learning in Filipino Counselor Career Growth
- Emotional Intelligence in the Philippine Public Sector: Integrating Filipino Constructs and Implications for HR Practice
- Examining the Relations Between Pay, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention
- Exploring the Relationship Between Perceived Overqualification Social Comparison and Workplace Deviant Behaviors
- Exploring Work Readiness of Gen Zs in Malaysia
- How to Unpack the Black Box? The Effect of Algorithmic Transparency of Digital Labor Platforms on Overtime Work
- Navigating Hybrid Work Environments
- Observed Emotional Intelligence and Conflict: An Exploratory, Mixed-Method Study in Self-Managing Teams
- Political Fragmentation and Managerial Turnover Intentions
- Relationship Between Work and Health Enrichment with Employees Well-Being and Job Performance Among Lecturers in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
- The Enduring Value of Theory: Comparing HLM and MLLR in Multilevel Behavioral Research
- The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Consumer Purchasing Decisions: A Study of E-Commerce Platforms
Language Development & Literacy
- The Relationship Between Teachers’ Teaching Goals, Teacher Beliefs and Writing Instructional Practices
Linguistics/Language & Psychology/Behavioral Science
- Absolute Pitch Modulates the Temporal Binding Window for Audiovisual Speech Perception
- AI Nudges: How E-Commerce Platforms Leverage AI to Drive Consumer Behavior
- Applying Theory of Planned Behavior Model on Hygienic Behavior in Nurse Student
- Bans on Same-Sex Marriages and Social Performances of Firms
- CEO Personality Traits and Compensation: Evidence from Investment Efficiency
- Charitable Giving, Income, and Subjective Well-being: A Case Study in Bangkok, Thailand
- Deafness Research to Practice in Viet Nam and United States: Inclusion Successes, Challenges, and Barriers
- Disaster Experience and Risk-Taking Behaviors: Evidence from Retail Stock Trading
- Does the Colour of a Word Affect the Speed with Which People Identify It as ‘Positive’ or ‘Negative’?
- Exploring the Extensions and Applications of the Means-End Chain Analytic Model
- Factors Affecting Shared Decision-Making: A Mixed-Method Study Among Specialist Outpatients in Hong Kong
- How Kun’yomi and On’yomi Impact on Kana-Kanji Conversion in Generative Artificial Intelligence
- How Linguistic Labels and Perceived Autonomy Shape the Perception of AI-Generated Art
- How Objects’ Animacy Interplays with Word Order in Sentence Processing? A Case Study of Japanese Active Sentences with Two-Place Verbs
- Karma or Altruism? Donor Motives and the Power of Recipient Identity in Charitable Giving
- Keep Bright in the Dark: The Positivity Superiority Effect of Multi-Modal Emotions on Donation-Based Crowdfunding Performance and Its Mechanisms
- Multitasking Abilities of Different Game Genre Players and Non-Gamers: Combined Tasks of Visual Search, Memory, and Decision-Making
- Queer in the Classroom: Revealing the Social Dynamics of LGBTQ+ Students at Thai Universities
- Return of the GOAT: Issue Framing of Simone Biles in the 2024 Olympics
- Task-Dependent or Task-General? The Impact of Valence Ambiguity on Word Processing in Lexical Decision and Valence Judgment
- The Effects of Soundbites on Information Retention
- The Role of Retail Technology and Consumer Psychology in Narrowing the Intention-Action Gap
- Underlying Behavioral Mechanism Between Emotion and Task-Switching Performance: Diffusion Model Analysis
- Understanding the Motivations of Donors: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors in Reward-Based and Hybrid Crowdfunding in Japan
- WellFeet: A Digital Psychotherapeutic for Empowering Footcare Literacy and Behavior Among People Living with Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Their Caregivers
Mental Health
- ‘Lighter Skin Feels Like Acceptance’: Exploring Stressors and Facilitators of Mental Well-being Among Emerging Filipino Adults
- A Novel Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Instrument for Caregivers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Thailand
- A Preliminary Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial of Self-administered Acupressure for Depression
- A Preliminary Study on the Associations Among Technology Readiness and Positive Technology Dependence in Older Adults in Rural Areas
- A Qualitative Study on the Resilience of Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence from the Perspectives of Mental Health Professionals
- Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of Mental Health Assessment Tool Kit for Filipino College Students
- Altered States and Life Paths: How Psychedelics Shape Development in Emerging Adulthood
- Association of Particulate Matter with Cognitive Function and the Modifying Role of Lifestyle: Longitudinal Analysis of Older Adults in China
- Benefits and Harms of Social Media Use: a Latent Profile Analysis of Emerging Adults
- Beyond Apologies: A Systematic Review of Forgiveness in Different Relationship Contexts
- Blossoming Through Burden: How Dementia Caregivers Flourish
- Bridging Sensory Sensitivity and Inhibitory Control: the Serial Mediation of Emotional Regulation and Borderline Personality Features
- Building Resilient Leaders: Integrating Student Enrichment Programme into Psychosocial Care and Disaster Risk Reduction
- Can a DBT STEPS-A Course Help Improve Mental Health in Asian College Students?
- Coloring Mandala Group Intervention for General Anxiety Disorder in Rehabilitation Center “B”, Central Java, Indonesia
- Computerised Adaptive Testing for Personalised Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Cope with COVID-19: Psychological Internet Treatment During the Pandemic
- Cross-Sectional Analysis on the Influences Between Levels of Body Image-Related Media Usage and Psychological Distress Among Filipino Emerging Adults
- Cultural Factors Influencing Mental Health and Coping Strategies: Examples from Tibetan Refugees
- Depression vs. Anxiety: What Does the Chinese PHQ-9 Really Measure in Nonclinical Adults?
- Developing the Digital Islamic Mindful Parenting Intervention (D-IMPPAC): A Thematic Analysis for Supporting Parents of Atypical Children
- Do Positive Family Expressions Buffer the Effect of Maternal Depression in Middle Childhood?
- Effect of 2-month of Yoga on Cardiac Autonomic Stress Response During Mental Arithmetic Task Among Individuals with Elevated Anxiety
- Effect of Electronic Health Literacy on Depression Among Chinese Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study
- Efficacy of Blue-enriched Light Therapy for Elderly with Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Enhancing Social Connectedness and Mental Well-Being Among Older Adults: Preliminary Findings from Awareness, Courage, and Love Online Group Intervention
- Evolving Counselor Experiences: Navigating Pre-and Post-Pandemic Mental Health Challenges of University Students in Manila
- Exploring Mental Health Challenges and Counseling Needs Among Distance Learners: A Case Study of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
- Exploring the Mental Health of Badjaos: Basis for Indigenous Model of Mental Health Care
- Exploring the Projective Manifestation of Combat Stress in Paramilitary Personnel Using the Human Figure Drawing Test
- Exploring the Psychological Well-Being of People Living with HIV/Aids in Lusikisiki, in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Facets of Mindfulness Moderate the Relationship Between Solitude and Affective Well-being
- Family Invalidation and Non-suicidal Self-Injury Among Chinese Adolescents: A Serial Mediating Model
- Family Resilience and Adolescent Mental Health in Chinese Families: The Mediating Role of Personal Strengths
- Fathers’ Experience of Living with a Postpartum Depression-Affected Mother: A Phenomenological Study
- Filial Piety in the Digital Age: The Mediating Role of WeChat Interaction Quality on Subjective Well-being Among Chinese International Students
- From Accompanying to Leading: Introducing a Mental Health Program for Expat Partners
- Gender-Specific Pathways in the Prospective Relations Between Depression Symptoms and Life Satisfaction Among Young Adults: A Panel Network Model
- Hardiness and Professional Life Stress in House-Job Doctors: A Mediating Role of Coping Strategies
- How Can Individuals with Olfactory Reference Disorder Symptoms Be Supported?
- Identification of Key Symptoms for Preventing and Treating Depression in Pregnant Women: Simulating Interventions
- Impact of Interactive Virtual Reality Experiences on State Anxiety: A Pilot Study Among College Students
- Improving the Mental Health of Student-Artists Through the Life Skills Intervention Program: An Evaluation Study
- Indigenized Conception of Mental Health: The Expression, Etiology and Help-Seeking Behavior of Indigenous People in Southern Palawan, Philippines
- Interactive Virtual Reality Experiences and State Anxiety: A Pilot Study Among College Students
- Interpersonal Functioning and Problematic Exercise Behaviors Among Undergraduate Men
- Investigating the Influence of Metacognitive Awareness on Victim Gaslighting Among Sport Performers
- Large Language Models for Psychotherapy Assessment and Formulation
- Living with Aphasia: An Exploratory Study of Clients’ and Caregivers’ Experiences in an Online Choir Group in Singapore
- Loneliness as a Huge Factor for Depression and Pessimism
- Machine Learning Approach to Develop a Risk Prediction Model Based on Minor Physical Anomalies for Psychological Resilience in Schizophrenia
- Manga and Anime in the Therapy Room
- Mental Health and Social Media Usage Behaviors of Students: A Multidimensional Perspective from Vietnam’s Central Highlands
- Mental Health Disorders Among Urban Adolescents in Vietnam
- Mindful Compassionate Leadership for Mental Health Practitioners
- Mood as the Mediator of the Relationship Between Interoceptive Sensibility and Alexithymia
- Motivational Drivers of Recreational Psilocybin Use: A Study of Social and Substance Interaction Patterns
- Navigating Leadership and Mental Wellness: A Qualitative Study on Self-Care Among Lasallian Student Leaders
- Nutritional Challenges in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comparative Study in a Developing Country Setting
- Pandemic Through Time: Probabilistic Modeling of Coping Profile Dynamics During COVID-19
- Preserving Mental Well-being Process: The Perspective of Older Adults Living in Community
- Prevalence, Multi-Level Risk Factors, and Psychosocial Impacts of Screening-Detected Eating Disorders Among Chinese Adolescents: A Population-Based Study
- Profiles of Chinese Invalidating Family Environments and Their Impact on Children and Adolescents’ Mental Health
- Project SOLVE: A Randomized, School-Based Trial of a Single-Session Digital Problem-Solving Intervention for Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms
- Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study
- Psychological and Mental Health Are the Most Neglected Concerns in Climate Vulnerable Areas
- Psychological Impacts of the April 15th War in Sudan: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Psychosocial Correlates of Mental Health and Behavioral Outcome: Gender Differences
- Randomized Clinical Trial of Imagery Stabilization and Rescripting Psychotherapy for Psychiatric Outpatients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Rapid Need Assessment of the Karnataka Flood Survivors for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services – An Indian Experience
- Reexamining Stress Mindsets: A Bidimensional Approach to Predicting Academic Buoyancy in Adolescents
- Relationship Among Caste Identity, Chastity Beliefs and Psychological Distress in Urban and Rural Rajasthan (India)
- Resilience in Caregivers of Schizophrenia Patients While Dealing with Caregiver Stress
- Situationships Unveiled: a Romantic Relationship Phenomenon Among Emerging Adults
- Social Support as a Mediator Between Childhood Psychopathology and Quality of Life in Young Adulthood in a High–Risk Sample
- Swipe Me Tinder: Exploring the Relationship Between Tinder Use and Sexual Self-Esteem in Emerging Adults in Italy and Switzerland
- The Association Between Fear of Falling and Brain Hemodynamic Responses in Older Adults
- The Comorbidity Mechanism of Internet Gaming Disorder and Depression Among Adolescents: A Two-year Cross-Lagged Panel Network Analysis
- The Double-Edged Sword: ADHD in the Lived Experiences of Filipino Women Diagnosed in Adulthood
- The Effect of Brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Psychological Well-Being of Young Adults with Clinically Significant Anxiety
- The Effect of Chemotherapy on the Quality of Life of Head and Neck Cancer Patients
- The Effect of Mindfulness on Psychological Well-Being and Its Moderators: Findings from a Crossover Randomized Controlled Trial
- The Effect of Self-Esteem on the Development of Complex PTSD Symptoms: A Synthesis of Longitudinal Findings from Five Chinese-Speaking Samples
- The Experience of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Among Female Undergraduate Students: Physical Health Concerns as Influencing Determinants
- The Healing Process of a Depressed Midlife Adult: a Narrative Approach of the Sandplay Therapy
- The Impact of Cognitive Biases Awareness on Mitigating Susceptibility to Misinformation
- The Impact of Invalidate Family Environment on Academic Burnout and Its Intervention: The Chain Mediation of Subjective Poverty and Depression
- The Impact of Lifetime Occupation Complexity on Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults
- The Mediating Role of Brooding Rumination in the Relationship Between Positive Strivings Perfectionism and Depressive Symptoms
- The Role of the Blackpink Fandom in the Lives of Filipino ‘Blinks’
- The Silent Struggle: Exploring Mental Health Challenges and Coping Mechanisms Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adult Males in South Africa
- Therapeutic Songwriting as an Adjunct Intervention for Filipino Youth with Symptoms of Depression: An Exploratory Study
- Thrill Seekers vs. Mystical Explorers: Inside MDMA User Profiles
- Attention and Touch in Search Tasks: The “Intertrial Priming of Pop-Out”
- Attentional Set-shifting in Parkinson’s Disease: Cognitive Deficits Beyond Dopamine Dependency
- Cue-Induced Brain Activity Patterns in Internet Game Disorders Using Magnetoencephalography
- Exploring the Cognitive Foundations of Decision-Making: A Bibliometric Review of Numeric Cognition Research
- Mathematics and Problem Solving in Neuroscience: Visualization of Research Trends Through Bibliometric Analysis
Psychology and Education
- A Marginalized Education City: A Study on Perceptions and Access to Education in Kali Code, Yogyakarta
- A Qualitative Exploration of Parent-Teacher Meetings: Assessing Stakeholder Engagement and Systemic Efficacy
- A Systematic Review of Effective Interventions and Theoretical Perspectives on Enhancing Children’s Social Behaviors
- Academic Motivation of College Students with and Without Disabilities
- Acceptance and Psychological Impact of AI Go Robots on Young Children and Their Parents
- Assessing Student Learning Outcomes in Taiwanese Bilingual Education: A Focus on Engagement Indicators
- Association of Interparental and Parent-Child Relationships with Childhood Conflict Coping
- Blood, Tears and Sweat: A Panoramic Understanding of Student-Athletes’ Mental Toughness
- Collective Contributions to Their Career Efficacy from Significant Others: Reciprocal and Transactional Associations over Time with Adolescents’ Career Development
- Constructivist-Oriented Sandtray Supervision Model: A Case Study of a Novice Counseling Supervisor
- Cultural Dimensions of Morality: Exploring the Role of Religiosity in Adolescent Moral Development
- Differences in the Psychosocial Status and Childcare Needs of Parents Using Kindergartens, Nursery Schools, and Children’s Centers in Japan
- Elderhood, Wisdom, and Flourishing: The Relationship of Perceived Extent of Wisdom and Psychological Well-Being of Retired Teachers
- Embedding Agrarian Awareness Values in the Social Studies Curriculum: Strengthening Sustainable Agrarian Identity Among Students in Rural Coffee Producing Areas in Indonesia
- Enhancing Instructional Effectiveness: A Multidimensional Model
- Examining How Metacognition Relates to Learning Skills: A Study on Indonesian Undergraduate Students
- Examining the Interplay of Cooperation and Competition: Impacts on Academic Performance and Well-Being Across Cultural Contexts
- Exploring Preschool Educators’ Perceptions: Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Teaching Effectiveness in Early Childhood Education
- Exploring the Effects of Kahoot! on Reading Comprehension for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Exploring the Lived Experiences of Supervision Among New Psychological Practitioners in Metro Manila
- Fostering Peace Through Understanding: A Non-Cooperative Game Theory Approach to Examining Intimate Partner Violence and Homicide
- How Does School Management Team Empowerment Relate to Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior? A Moderated Mediation Model
- Identification of Help-Seeking Skill Profiles in School-Aged Children and Associations with Attachment and Friendship
- Impact of SNS Usage and In-Person Interaction on Social Connectedness Among Young People During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Implementation of Shoah Themes into Teaching at the First Level of Primary Schools: Presentation of Research Results
- In Search of the Different Facets of Chasing Behaviors Among Gamblers
- Influence of Perceived Learning Organization on School Teachers’ Work Behavior
- Investigations of Engagement, and Positive and Negative Emotions in L2/ L3 for Japanese University Students
- Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Teachers on Anxiety and Depression of School-Age Children
- Leveling Up Executive Functions: The Role of Video Games in Preschool Cognitive Development
- Lived Experience of Guidance Designates in Selected Schools in the Philippines
- Mathematics Anxiety and Emotion Regulation: How Emotion Regulation Strategies Relate to Math Anxiety and Math Performance
- Navigating the Coping Continuum: An In-depth Analysis of Stress Coping Strategies in Substance Use Disorders Using the Circumplex Model
- Online Communities and Identity Exploration: Insights from Gender-Diverse Youth in Canada
- Promoting Work-Life Balance and Flourishing Well-Being Among Graduate Students
- Psycho-Social Indicators of Creative Problem Solving Ability in University Students
- Psychoeducational Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Potentially Traumatic Experiences: A Systematic Review
- Psychosocial Correlates of Test Anxiety Among Adolescent Students in South India
- PTSD Profile Analysis in High School Students: Identification of Trauma Barriers and Symptoms
- Results of Students’ Psychological Adaptability
- Short Version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scal-21: Is It Valid for Jordanian Adults
- Student Version of the Teacher-Student Relationship Inventory: Validating the Scale Among Chinese Adolescents
- Studying the Ability for “Empathic Understanding” in School Teachers
- Tales from the Terrain: Lived Experiences of Care Providers in a Youth Formation Center
- The Application of Jungian Dream Work: A Case Study of Young Adult Women Entering the Workforce
- The Effect of Mobile Learning Strategies on Self-Efficacy and Learning Achievement Among Nursing Students
- The Impact of Cognitive and Emotional Factors on Teachers’ Intervention in School Bullying
- The Role of Creative Problem-Solving in Enhancing Academic Achievement and Managing Study-Life Conflicts Among Thai University Students
- The Role of Different Concept Maps Elements in Cognitive Load: Can Complexity Make It Easier?
- The Role of Expectancy-Value Theory in Predicting Academic Success Among Psychology Students
- Translation in Greek and Psychometric Properties of the 9-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short Form (IGDS9-SF)
- Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Grief Program for Students (GPS)
- Virtual Reality and Situational Learning: A Preliminary Evaluation of a Nutrition Literacy Intervention for College Students
- What Attitudes, Emotions and Beliefs Predict Digital Distraction for Students and What Interventions Are Suggested to Reduce this Phenomenon?
- What Kind of Learner Am I?: A Scoping Review of Adolescents’ Learner Identity and School Engagement
- Working Memory as a Predictor of Mathematical Abilities: Similarities and Differences Among Filipino Deaf and Hearing College Learners
Qualitative/Quantitative Research in any other area of Psychology
- A Breakthrough Approach to Enhancing Private Retirement Savings Outcomes: Exploring the Effects of a Multicomponent Intervention Through Full Factorial Analysis
- A Pilot Study of Manualized Therapy for Transgender Acceptance in Religious Families
- A Qualitative Examination of the Content Validity of the EQ-5D and EQ-5D-Y in Individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- A Study of Problematic Internet Use and Self-esteem Among Adolescents: An Exploration into the Impact of Sahaja Yoga Meditation
- Analysis of Dance Exercise and Guitar Rhythm in Developing Learning Ability of Mid-school Children: A Clinical Case Study
- Ang Tatay Kong Barako: Performed and Perceived in Father-Son Relationships from the Perspective of Gay Sons
- Behavioral Determinants of Antibiotic Prescribing in Primary Care in Vietnam: A Qualitative Study Using the Theoretical Domains Framework
- Behind Closed Doors: Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions of Marital Rape in MENA, South Asia, Western and Eastern Europe
- Beyond Borders: Analyzing the Motivations and Life Planning of Chinese Students Studying Abroad
- Beyond Labels: A Neuropsychological Case Study of a 12-Year-Old Patient with Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability in the Philippines
- Constructs of the Divine Among Adult Filipinos of High & Low Socioeconomic Status
- Developing an Instrument to Measure Health Promotion in a Youth Environment: A Pilot Study from a Norwegian Context
- Development and Implementation of a Patient-Centered Mobile App Self-Management Program for Patients with Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Development of Post-Mission Reintegration and Stress Scale (PMRSS) for Filipino Latter-Day Saints Returned Missionary (LDS-RM): A Preliminary Exploratory Study
- Digital Cognitive-behavioral Therapy-based Treatment for Insomnia, Nightmares and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Wildfire Survivors: A Randomized Feasibility Pilot Trial
- Dividend Salience and Inflation Illusion: Evidence from Taiwan
- Experience of Moral Incongruence in Pornography Use and Its Coping Strategies
- Experiences of Pregnancy Among Women and Their Partner
- Experiences of Women with Gynaecological Cancer in India: A Qualitative Study
- Exploring Lived Experiences of Resilience and Social Identity Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adult Males in South Africa: A Phenomenological Inquiry
- Exploring the Culture of a Police Rape Investigation Team (RIT): A Mixed-Methods Case Study
- Gender Differences in Adolescents’ Perception of Parental Support
- Grit on Street Children Survivors: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
- Health Literacy and Health Behavior of the Elderly in Semi-Urban Areas: A Case Study of a Community with Super Aged Society in Northern Thailand
- Impact of Big Five Personality Traits on Response Biases in the Assessment of Negative Emotions: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Initial Challenges in Defining Personology: Laying Personological Foundations Based on a Comparative Analysis of Six Personological Publications
- Loom of Leprosy: Exploring the Psychological and Social Constructs in Urban and Rural Odisha
- Mapagpalayang Pagpapayo: Exploring Social Justice Counseling Experiences of Select Filipino School Counselors
- Meaning-Making Through Storytelling: Exploring Folklore from a Cultural Psychological Perspective
- One-Sided Love Affair: Narratives of Unrequited Love Amongst Young Professional Gay Men
- Organisational Support, Wellbeing and Job Satisfaction: the Influence of Specialism in a Police Officers’ Sample
- Prevalence and Correlates of Depressive Symptoms Among Vietnamese Students Residing in Remote Areas: A Multivariate Analysis of Risk Factors
- Profiles of Parental Psychological Control and Developmental Outcomes Among Chinese Mainland and Hongkong Adolescents
- Promoting Waste Separation Behavior with Nudge Labels at a Local Government Office in Fukushima, Japan
- Psychometric Properties of Career Crafting Survey (CCS) in Indonesian Version
- Psychosocial Considerations in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Disorders: A Qualitative Study
- Rejection Sensitivity as Mediator Between Perceived Stress and Social Networking Sites Addiction Among Undergraduate Students in Henan Province, China
- Relationships Among Arthritis Self-efficacy and Background Characteristics in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Revolutionizing Retirement: How AI-Powered Visuals Change Retirement Goal Clarity and Risk Tolerance?
- Role of Perceived Controllability, Collective Efficacy and the Moderating Role of Time Perspective on Farmers’-Herders’ Self-Other’ Justice Perception
- Scientific Normative Dissonance: A Large-scale Survey of Researchers’ Subscription to Scientific Norms and Counternorms Across Academic Fields
- Stakeholder Attitudes Toward the Process of Revealing the Truth for Psychosocial Well-being of the Aceh Conflict Survivors
- The Appeal of Extremist Groups: Exploring Identity Complexity, Uncertainty, and Belongingness
- The Development of a Training Program on Responsible Behavior to Enhance the Social Ethics of Thai Youth
- The Hand Knows Best: Differences in Body Boundary Perception and the Role of Visual Imagery
- The Impact of Consumer Imagination and Narrative on Brand Intent in AR Advertising
- The Meaning of Christian Prayer for Filipino Catholics Amid Pain, Illness, and Suffering
- We Rise Where We Stumbled: Exploring the Phenomenology of Adolescent Parenting in the Philippines