March 29-31, 2021 | Held online from Tokyo, Japan
Organising Committee
Mimi BongKorea University, South Korea
George D. ChryssidesThe University of Birmingham, UK
Joseph HaldaneThe International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
Frank S. RavitchMichigan State University College of Law, United States
Monty P. SatiadarmaTarumanagara University, Indonesia
Dexter Da SilvaKeisen University, Japan
Brian VictoriaOxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, UK
IAFOR Grant & Scholarship Recipients
Our warmest congratulations go to Missaye Mengstie, Lyka Marie Tiongco, Hafsah Macaraya, Maxi Heitmayer, Mira Reyes, who have been selected by the conference Organising Committee to receive grants and scholarships to present their research at ACP/ACERP2020.
IAFOR's grants and scholarships programme provides financial support to PhD students and early career academics, with the aim of helping them pursue research excellence and achieve their academic goals through interdisciplinary study and interaction. Awards are based on the appropriateness of the educational opportunity in relation to the applicant's field of study, financial need, and contributions to their community and to IAFOR's mission of interdisciplinarity. Scholarships are awarded based on availability of funds from IAFOR and vary with each conference.
Click here to learn out more about IAFOR grants and scholarships.